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PostPosted: Sat 25. Sep 2010, 22:40 

Joined: Thu 23. Sep 2010, 10:06
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Ich weiß jetzt übrigens aus dem englischen Forum wer der "Aragorn" ist: Ein gewisser Jone Nikula, der bekannt ist aus dem finnischen Rundfunk und der unter anderem auch in der Jury der Talentshow "Idols" gesessen hat.

Des weiteren habe ich auch eine Übersetzung des youtube-Videos gefunden:
Today Jonsu will paddle a mystic cook in her kitchen.

At the door
Jonsu: Hi, welcome in.
Hi, thanks.

An introduction
Jonsu is Indica’s singer and songwriter. She has composed music from child and her first idols were humbly Mozart and Chopin. Later violin playing Jonsu got interested about rock music and has already released five albums with her band Indica. Musically Jonsu is multitalented, but apparently her relationship with cooking isn’t as warm. Or is it Jonsu?
Jonsu: I’m not saying that I would hate cooking, but I just could name hundred things that are more interesting.

At the grocery shop
Jonsu and I go to a grocery shop in order to buy the raw materials for this mostly vegetarian meal. She took the shopping list with her, and also something else.
Jonsu: It says: “asparagus and water at full power, about five minutes. Add salt to water before asparagus.”
You don’t eat red meat nowadays, but have you ever been a full vegetarian?
Jonsu: I tried at some point. I wanted to be a vegetarian. But I changed my whole dietary in the same day (I see.) and got a huge soya allergy. (Oops.) I had a meeting at the record company and my lips had swallowed three times bigger. I sent them an SMS and told that don’t worry, I haven’t taken silicone lips. (Silicone lips? Oh dear.) My eyes looked bad too. Now I try to be a semi-vegetarian. (Better so.)
How did you choose this particular menu for your guests?
Jonsu: I want my guest to feel good. (That’s great.) That’s why I’ll serve them this drink. They all may not like it, but we’ll see. (It must be healthy.) For a dessert I’ll give the same what I got as a kid when I had a birthday… candy. I received a big packet of Indica candies from Germany and don’t know what to do with them, so I’ll let Jari, Sikke and Jone eat them.
Indica candies? You must be on top of the rock world.
Jonsu: I think they are cute. They are red hearts in small wrappers. (Cute indeed.)
Jonsu: Every pesto tastes like pesto, well maybe there are some minor differences. I don’t even smoke, so maybe the others just have worse sense of taste. (Or maybe just worse taste.) But in my opinion all pestos taste good.

Saleswoman: Hi.
Jonsu: Hi.
Saleswoman: Shall I put this parsa to a plastic bag?
Jonsu: It’s not necessary. (Why bother?)
Are they heavy?
Jonsu: Yes they are. I will never again buy too much food. But I’m able to carry these. I have strong biceps because I’ve carried instruments my whole life. (You don’t look muscular. But the bags are packed and carried, so let’s go back to Jonsu’s place.)

At Jonsu’s home
Apparently you’ll eat here?
Jonsu: Yes. I thought that we would eat here. (Yes.) Salt and pepper are already on the table, so if I fail with the meal they can use those to cover the taste. (Cover the taste?)

In the kitchen
Oh no! (What?) Sorry, this is a bit messy. Apparently I’ve cooked something that has had cheese. (Pizza, perhaps.) Pizza, perhaps. Why don’t you annoyances go there? Return air, and let’s set it to 225 °C. Or should I set it to the maximum? Potatoes can’t be too hot, can they? (I wouldn’t set it to the maximum.) I’ll set it to 225 °C. When I’m cooking, I trust my intuition and I feel that it’s the correct amount. (Okay.)

The drink
So first I’ll make this “live 100 years” drink. You choose its materials by going to a shop and buying the most healthy and wonderful materials, all kinds of berries, fruits and vegetables. And then you just put them to the blender. (Sounds interesting.) Some parsley, then some salad and a grapefruit… (A grapefruit?) Just in the case if someone won’t like the taste of parsley. The grapefruit will cover it. And then I’ll put some carrots and tomatoes. (Oh lord!) My mother likes this kind of food. (So it’s inherited.) She and the boy next door like this. (I see.) And even if the taste isn’t entirely perfect, remember that this will help you live 100 years. (What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.) Okay, now I’ll taste it although I usually don’t taste food while making it. This tastes… (Well?) …very good. (Really? Nice to hear.)

In the kitchen
Fortunately Jonsu is a better as a singer than she is as an actress or cook, aren’t you Jonsu?
Jonsu: Singing and songwriting are more familiar to me.

(You shouldn’t cut the potatoes on the oven plate.) If these potatoes don’t work, I’ll get angry. (Don’t get angry at potatoes.) I’m most worried that I don’t have enough time to make all these. What are you [the blender] doing?!? (It’s blending.)

Guests arrive
Now the guests are at the door and the four stars dinner can begin.
Jonsu: You can’t succeed in everything you do, not even in almost everything you do.

At the table
Jonsu: The theme for the evening is heart and love, because everyone likes love.
Jonsu: It [the spilling of wine] was one of the signs that say: “Jonsu, don’t cook”.
Jonsu: Sorry, I want to fill my own glass first.
Jari: Are you nervous?
Jonsu: Yes I am. This drink is called “Live 100 years”. I’ll tell you how to make it. It will increase your metabolism and it gives you so much energy that you don’t have to eat any vegetables for a week.

In the kitchen
Jonsu, did the guest like the starter?
Jonsu: The starter seemed to get positive feedback.
Jonsu: Then the parsley. For some reason, when you start cooking you’ll get something else in your mind and you forget that you are cooking. But this one has so little scorch that it won’t mind. I’ve decided to put some cream, butter, a bit of this, a couple of spoonfuls of that, salt… and we would need white wine too. I wonder if it was impolite to steal the white wine bottle from the table. (I suppose not.)

(Oops, there goes the wine, but it will go for a good purpose.)
Jonsu: This dollop should be just enough.

Talking to the guests
Jonsu: Do you like filled mushrooms?
Jone: Absolutely.
Sikke: What’s inside?
Jonsu: Shh. I’ll bring something before them, because you look hungry. I’ll bring the mushrooms a bit later.
Sikke: Okay.
Jonsu: Where are the mushrooms?
Jari: Can’t you find the mushrooms?
Jonsu: I found them! Just a minute.
Jari: Were they in the oven?
Jonsu: Are you hungry?
The guests: Yes we are.

At the table
Jonsu: I was nervous about this white wine sauce, because I cooked it for the first time.
Jari: Wonderful.

In the kitchen
What are the ladies doing in the kitchen?
Jonsu: We are making filled mushrooms and we are deciding whether to add only Aura cheese or also Creme Bonjour cheese.
Sikke: I suggest not putting both in the same mushroom. Make different versions and ask the guest which one they want. This is a good amount.
Jonsu: You’ve done excellent work.
Sikke: I have an excellent apprentice.
Sikke: Did you douse the mushrooms in vinegar water before putting them to oven in order to get rid of all worms?
Jonsu: Are you kidding or do you really have to do that? Sikke, are you kidding or not?
Sikke: There are no worms, I was just teasing you.

The dessert
Jonsu: An apple-oat-cinnamon roast.
Jari: Wonderful.
Jonsu: And since the theme of the evening is love and I’ve received a huge amount of these packets…
Jari: Your new album?
Jonsu: No, I’ll give heart shaped Indica candies.
Jone: Thanks. We have to test these.

The pool game
Jone: A nine-ball tournament?
Jari: It’s not possible.

*Sikke hits*
Sikke: It didn’t go exactly as planned.
Jone: Not exactly.

*Jari hits*
Sikke: You guys hit very hard.
Jonsu: Yes they do. I never hit that hard.
Jari: I’m so macho.
Jone: You have to hit hard in order to give a spin to the ball.

*Sikke hits*
Jonsu: Sikke is excellent.
Sikke: I played very well.

*Jone hits*
Sikke: Take it easy, Jone. No masculine shooting.
Quelle: ... ge__st__80

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PostPosted: Sun 26. Sep 2010, 07:36 
Heini Maniac
Heini Maniac
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Wow, danke für deine Recherche. Nicht übel, werde das Video mir gleich mal so angucken ;)

--> Aragorn ist Halbprominenter aus dem Fernsehen? Das hätte ich nicht vermutet... Aber gut, wir sind hier und dort ist Finnland. Hast du auch erfahren wer die anderen waren?


PostPosted: Sun 26. Sep 2010, 07:56 
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xDDD woher hast denn das Zeug her?
Ich werd das mal in ne Word-Datei reinkopieren, wenns dir nichts ausmacht und dann durchlesen^^
ein großes Dankeschön an Tobias^^


PostPosted: Sun 26. Sep 2010, 12:37 

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yo also der kurzhaarige Typ ist Jari Sillanpää ein Tango-Musiker, der laut Wikipedia, eigentlich aus Schweden kommt, aber vor allem in Finnland bekannt ist. Wizzu geht davon aus, das er während der letzten 15 Jahre etwas 10 mal so viele Platten verkauft hat wie Indica... ;)
Und die andere Frau ist wohl eine in den Medien eher weniger bekannte Profi-Köchin...

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PostPosted: Mon 27. Sep 2010, 12:50 
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Welch nette Gäste^^
Wenn ich das nächste mal koch (falls) dann lad ich Till Schweiger ein xDDD **joke**


PostPosted: Tue 5. Oct 2010, 16:40 
Holy Indican
Holy Indican
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Ich konnte jetzt auch endlich mal das Video der Sendung auf YouTube sehen. Ich frag mich ob das wirklich "schon" Jonsus eigenes Haus is oder ihr Elternhaus. Zumal das echt riesig is und ich weiß nich ob Indica schon so viel Kohle verdienen^^

"Dancing On The Borders..."


PostPosted: Tue 5. Oct 2010, 16:42 

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Ich habe mich auch gewundert, dass es da so aufgeräumt ist. In Jonsus Wohnung müsste es doch aussehen, als ob eine Bombe eingeschlagen hätte. ^^

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PostPosted: Tue 5. Oct 2010, 16:47 
Holy Indican
Holy Indican
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Ja das stimmt^^ So wie sie ihre Einkäufe auf dem Boden verteilt und nur Musik im Kopf hat :)
Und ich glaube nicht das sie von sich aus einen Billard-Tisch zuhause hätte^^

"Dancing On The Borders..."


PostPosted: Tue 5. Oct 2010, 17:13 
Heini Maniac
Heini Maniac
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Das ist natürlich die Frage. Aber ich denke auch, das es nicht wirklich ihr richtiges Haus ist. Vielleicht ist es ja auch nur angemietet oder so... Oder sie hatte noch keine Zeit es zu verwüsten. Das hieße dann, dass es noch ganz neu ist.

Was auch immer. Ich denke Geld hätte sie für sowas schon genug^^


PostPosted: Tue 5. Oct 2010, 17:21 

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Ist natürlich auch die Frage wie die Grundstückspreise in Finnland sind. Millionärin wird Jonsu nun nicht sein...

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PostPosted: Tue 5. Oct 2010, 17:23 
Heini Maniac
Heini Maniac
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Denkst du nicht? Bei den massiven Erfolgen, die die Mädels in Finnland schon hatten?..


PostPosted: Tue 5. Oct 2010, 17:26 

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Ja aber bei dem bisschen Geld was ein Künstler für verkaufte Platten kriegt, kann ich mir das trotzdem nicht vorstellen.

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PostPosted: Tue 5. Oct 2010, 17:28 
Heini Maniac
Heini Maniac
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Sie haben in der zeit ja nicht nur Platten verkauft...^^


PostPosted: Tue 5. Oct 2010, 17:32 
Holy Indican
Holy Indican
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Ich glaub auch nich dass das schon so ein Vermögen is. Hm, aber ich denke schon dass es irgendwie zu ihrer Familie gehört , mit den ganzen Instrumenten und so. Wer weiß. Aber ich glaube mal gehört zu haben, dass leben in Finnland nicht so billig sein soll, kann mich aber vllt auch täuschen.

"Dancing On The Borders..."


PostPosted: Tue 5. Oct 2010, 17:34 

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Auch wenn man die Konzerte mit einrichtet, glaube ich es nicht. Selbst Tuomas Holopainen verdient ja "nur" etwa 30.000 im Monat, und Nightwish sind ungefähr 10 mal so erfolgreich wie Indica.^^

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PostPosted: Tue 5. Oct 2010, 17:35 
Heini Maniac
Heini Maniac
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Du könntest auch einfach mal eine Suchmaschine mit dieser Frage bemühen ;)

@Indi: Okay, wenn das stimmt, dann nehme ich alle meine Vermutungen bezüglich Jonsu ist stinkreich durch Indica zurück.


PostPosted: Tue 5. Oct 2010, 17:38 
Master Indican
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und Nightwish sind ungefähr 10 mal so erfolgreich wie Indica.^^
Nach deiner Rechnung würden sie also ca. 3.000 € pro Monat und Nase verdienen, auch nicht schlecht. ;)

Ich denke mal, dass die Grundstückspreise in Finnland (natürlich je nach Lage) nicht so hoch sind, Land haben sie ja genug. ^^ Ich glaub aber auch nicht, dass es ihr eigenes Haus ist, eher das der Eltern.

"Gestern standen wir vor dem Abgrund, heute sind wir einen Schritt weiter…"

Jonsu on pieni noita.
Jenny on söpö hiiri.
Heini on villi kissa. 8)

PostPosted: Tue 5. Oct 2010, 17:40 

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@Moondragon: Gib mir ne Liste mit den Verkauszahlen aller Nightwish und Indica Alben und dann noch eine mit den verkauften Konzertkarten aller bisherigen Konzerte und ich rechne dir das genauer aus. :P

Ausserdem hat Heini doch in einem Interview selbst gesagt dass sie längst im Wald leben müssen... :D

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PostPosted: Tue 5. Oct 2010, 17:46 
Master Indican
Master Indican
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In welchem Interview war denn das?

"Gestern standen wir vor dem Abgrund, heute sind wir einen Schritt weiter…"

Jonsu on pieni noita.
Jenny on söpö hiiri.
Heini on villi kissa. 8)

PostPosted: Tue 5. Oct 2010, 17:48 

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Interviewer: Okay. That's thanks to you. But there is this problem that when a popular Finnish band switches to English, so far none of them have succeeded well in the history of Finland, never, ever. Are you worried about that?
H: Well, I don't know. It may happen to us too. In that case we would return to Finland and continue working here in the same way as earlier. It's not that serious.
J: Besides, Heini, if you haven't noticed during these six years, we have already lost our reputation in Finland.
H: That's true. We live in a forest and have nothing to lose. *grins*
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PostPosted: Tue 5. Oct 2010, 17:48 
Heini Maniac
Heini Maniac
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Ich glaube das war in diesem 'We need to talk' Interview, oder? Das war richtig genial xD...


PostPosted: Tue 5. Oct 2010, 17:49 

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@Kurum: Siehe eine Post über dir. Aber das We need to talk Interview ist echt genial ;)

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PostPosted: Tue 5. Oct 2010, 18:03 
Master Indican
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Das obige Interview ist aber auch nicht schlecht. :)

Und in den letzten Fragen haben wir's wieder, Sirkku: ^^
I was coming to this. Which one of you girls would be ready to pose as centrefold?
J & H: This one is easy.
H: Sirkku would probably do it.
J: Yeah. Sirkku, if you are watching this on the backstage, get ready to... Sorry, this is a family program, so I won’t say more.

"Gestern standen wir vor dem Abgrund, heute sind wir einen Schritt weiter…"

Jonsu on pieni noita.
Jenny on söpö hiiri.
Heini on villi kissa. 8)

PostPosted: Tue 5. Oct 2010, 18:42 
Heini Maniac
Heini Maniac
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*grins* Man kann aber auch hinschauen wo man will, wenn man nicht total blind ist wird man ständig mit Sirkku konfrontiert.


PostPosted: Tue 5. Oct 2010, 18:59 

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@Moondragon: Das hatten wir schon diskutiert, aber egal, früher oder später geht's hier ja eh wieder um Sirkku da können wir auch gleich wieder mit dem Thema anfangen^^

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